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ODP Converter, ODP to PPTX

4.8 ( 7328 ratings )
비즈니스 유틸리티
개발자: Alberto Gonzalez
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Do you need to convert your ODP file to another file?
Convert ODP to PPTX? ODP to PDF?
Convert your ODP file easily and completely free of charge (No additional costs)

Make your ODP files easy to view by converting them into other formats.

This conversion application allows you to convert any ODP file to other files like PDF, TXT, WORD, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, HTML and ODT, it can also convert other files to ODP.

No limit on conversions or exaggerated waiting times and totally free!

Main features of ODP Converter

Excellent conversion quality.
Very fast conversions, stop waiting for absurd times to convert your files.
Totally free, without subscriptions or additional payments.
The files are optimized with precision, preserving the quality of the same at all times.
Convert from ODP (ODP to PPTX) and from (ODP to PDF)
No limit on the number of converted files and on the file size.
Supported extensions: PDF, TXT, WORD, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, HTML and ODT
Easy and fast!

Make ODP files private, no email required, just select the file you want to convert and convert it. Without wasting time in the registration process. When the conversion is complete, the file will be available for use.

You can convert an unlimited number of files. The ODP converter is completely free and there is no limit on the number of files converted. The conversion speed depends on the size of the file.

All the converted files are saved in the root folder of your phone, in the “ODP Converter” folder

Application translated into the following languages: Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian.